Gail Showalter's Speaking:
Gail Cawley Showalter is a highly experienced speaker who brings a wealth of knowledge and personal experience to her audiences. She has helped numerous women overcome personal obstacles and find their way forward. She is engaging and inspiring, and she delivers powerful messages that are grounded in spiritual insight and practical wisdom. With her personal stories and down-to-earth approach, Gail inspires and motivates her audience to overcome challenges and live their best lives.
Gail's Interview Topics for Your Podcast
When she is interviewed, Gail shares her personal stories and bares her soul to inspire, encourage, and motivate women and parents to move forward in faith. Her approach is genuine and caring, as she provides direction and support to women who are hurting.

Personalities and Relationships: Understanding Yourself and Others
Discovering your personality type can help you navigate your relationships with your family, your spouse, and your colleagues. In this workshop, Gail provides valuable insights into different personality types and how to effectively communicate with each one. She helps you to go beyond the surface and dive deep into understanding yourself and others.

Baby Steps to a Giant Success: Empowering Single Moms
Gail shares her personal story of returning to college with three young children in tow and how the complicated journey unfolded. She encourages single mothers to accept the challenge to earn a degree or certification that will improve their earning potential and ability to raise their children. She inspires women to take baby steps to empowerment and shows them that anything is possible with faith and determination.

The Single Mother Challenge:
Finding Joy and Empowerment
Being a single mother is tough, but Gail understands the challenges and offers a message of hope and empowerment. With this touching topic, she shares her own journey as a single mother of three and how it transformed her trials and heartaches into joy. She founded SMORE for Women, a group that empowers single mothers and offers them support and resources to help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Radio Spots for Parents:
Understanding as You Raise Your Child
Gail, known in southeast Texas as the "Old Bird with Feathers of Wisdom for Women" provided valuable insights on her radio spots on KLBT 88.1 FM that aired for over ten years.

In the Growing Places:
Finding Strength in Times of Adversity
When faced with adversity, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and alone. In this presentation, Gail shares her personal story of how she found strength and guidance in God during a difficult time. She guides her listeners to the realization that they do not have to force growth - just be willing to be pruned.

Broken to Beautiful:
Finding Hope and Healing
Gail's personal experience with brokenness gives her a unique perspective on finding hope and healing. She shares her story in a way that is relatable and inspiring to her audience. She helps women to understand that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is always hope for a brighter future.

Listening to the Still Small Voice:
A Mother's Journey
Every mother desires to be heard and to guide her children on the right path. Gail exposes her heart and her doubts in a way that moves every audience. She shares her journey and her experience of finding her precious granddaughter, inspiring listeners to listen to the still small voice and trust their instincts.

Experience Life Coaching for FREE:
As a passionate advocate for empowering single mothers and women, I believe that everyone deserves access to the resources and support they need to thrive. That's why, at this stage in my life, I have chosen not to charge for my speaking engagements. Instead, I ask for a love gift to SMORE for Women, the organization I founded to support single mothers and help them find joy, rejuvenation, and empowerment. Your contribution will help us continue our mission of making a positive impact in the lives of women and families.